Monday 26 July 2010


·         That means we want to redesign the DAO such that it should work with single instance of Driver class irrespective of the number of clients and requests.
·         To address this requirements JDBC introduces DriverManager class
Q: What is Driver Manager class?
The java.sql.DriverManager is a factory class that is designed to create the Connection Managing the Driver objects.
Why DriverManager?
Ans: to centralize the code( means connect() method) creating the Connection using the Driver object. So that we can avoid multiple instances (objects) of a Driver class to create. Here the code means connect() method.

Q: How DriverManager functions?
We know that the basic functionality of the DriverManager is to create the Connection managing the Driver object. The getConnection() method will create connection using registered Driver object.

Working with DriverManager

Fig: DriverManager FactoryClass(.JPG
The following two steps are involved in doing this:
Step1: Register the Driver to DriverManager
Step2: Invoke the getConnection() to get the Connection

Step1: Register the Driver to DriverManager
·         The following static method of DriverManager is used to do this:                              registerDriver(Driver d);
·         We want to do this only once for each driver to use in the application.
·         The jdbc specification includes a rule to have a static block in the Driver implementation class that should create an object if itself and register it to the DriverManager.
Example: the following snippet shows the code of OracleDriver class.
//it is a internal code (readymade ), just we are writing to awareness only, we have to use not to write)
public class OracleDriver implements Driver
  DriverManager.registerDriver(new OracleDriver());
·         From this discussion we understand if we can load the driver class into  the JVM it results to execute the static block of the same class which registers this driver object to DriverManager.
public class ClassLoadTest {
      public static void main(String args) throws Exception
            System.out.println("In main method");

class Test1
            System.out.println("Test1 static block");
In main method
public class ClassLoadTest {
      public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
            System.out.println("In main method");
            for(int i=0;i<10;i++)

class Test1
            System.out.println("Test1 static block");
In Main method
Test1 static block
Class c=Test1.class ;//for dynamic we can not use this
Class c=Class.forName(Test1); both are same to load the class into JVM , when you know about the class name go for Class c=Test1.class;//it is implicit field like super, this, class
The following 3 points are important to consider with respect to class loading:
1.       static block executing all the time of loading the class into JVM. Note: this is not true always in some jvm’s the static blocks are delayed to execute on first access to any member of the class.
public class ClassLoadTest {
      public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
            System.out.println("In main method");
            /*for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
            Class c=Test1.class;
            System.out.println("Test1 is loaded");
  ;//waits until user press enter
            System.out.println("Count :="+Test1.count);

class Test1
      static int count=10;
            System.out.println("Test1 static block");
In main method
Test1 is loaded

Test1 static block
Count :=10
2.       A class is loaded into the jvm on first access to any member of class , this is implicit (or) 
·         Use class.forName(-); //this is explicit
·         Use ‘class’ implicit field
3.       Invoking  the class.forName(-); with the same input for multiple times will not result loading class for  multiple times.

Step 1.2: invoking the getConnection() method:

·         After we register the driver to DriverManager we can use any of the following static methods of DriverManager to get the Connection.
Connection getConnection(String url, Properties jdbcprops) throws SQLException
·         This method finds the registered drivers that can use the given url for getting the connection. If found use it to get the connection. Otherwise throw SQLException ‘No suitable Driver Found’
·         This method is just a convenience method. This method internally creates the properties object setting the given username and password, and invoke above method.
Connection getConnection(String url, String db_user, String db_password)  throws SQLException

·         This is also a convenience useful in case if there are to no properties describe for getting the Connection

Fig: Approach2DriverManager.JPG

Using JDBC in the Project (Project Architecture)

Fig: JdbcExample1(ProjectArchitec).JPG

Low Level means it is specific to one type of dependent persistence logic
Persistence Logic: is responsible for accessing persistence Data
·         If I’m using low level persistence logic in Business Logic (i.e High Level Logic) so I can not connect to all the Back end servers.
To avoid this problem we have to use another layer , keep the persistence logic in a separate object,  that object is nothing but a Data Access Object (DAO).

SO here DAO is a Design Pattern, Design Pattern which gives a solution for a problem.
(Example: I’m facing a problem, I will try to interact with a friend who is already faced the problem because he will have ready made solution for that problem, no need to waste my time to solve the problem, because already ready made solution (design pattern) is available 

Fig: DAO DesignPattern.JPG

·         When it comes into the project (enterprise application) we need to concentrate in optimizing the code, making the more reusable, and also testable.
·         The DAO is the most common pattern implemented into the enterprise applications.
What is a Pattern?
·         Pattern is a three part document that describes the context (situation), reoccurring problem and the best solution for the problem in the given context (situation).
·         The software patterns are categorized into multiple type for convenience in learning and applying.
·         The design patterns is one of the category. This lists the patterns describing the problems related to design and development of the software applications

·         As the title describes this is a design pattern
Context (situation):
·         We want to create enterprise Application with reasonable business logic having a requirement of accessing multiple (variety) of datastore and /or found that may have a requirement of migrating from one type of data store (database) to other. Easy to migrate between the different types of data stores. That is in my application I want to connect to LDAP to take credentials, same application I want to connect to File Systems to accept login details.
·         We want to separate the low-level persistence (data access) logic from Business Logic. But this so this solution leaves a problem that is how do you separate in a best way? Thus this solution we kept in a problem.
Forces: (Why):
·          We want to have a proper responsibility division that is:
             (a) improves the quality of the system.
             (b) reduces the cost and time for the development
·         To enable unit testing, make the system more comfortable for testing.
·         Easy to migrate between the different types of data stores.
·         Implement the low-level persistence logic into a separate object, exposing the data access operations through high-level API to the service layer.
What is DAO ?
Ans: DAO is a design pattern that describes separating the low-level persistence logic from the business logic, implementing into a separate (independent) object.

Note: this special object introduced implementing the DAO pattern is also refered as a DAO i.e: Data Access Object

Fig: DAO DesignPattern.JPG

From this discussion and the above architecture we understand JDBC is used for implementing the DAO in Java for accessing the tabular data store

Implementing DAO Design Pattern in our project
Fig: DAO DesignPattern1(a).JPG

Fig: DAO DesignPattern1.JPG

For Example:
Implementing the Data Access Layer for ‘CreateEmployee’ use case of ‘Employee Management System (EMS).

public interface EmployeeDAOI
 void save(int eno,String name, double sal, int dno);
//we will change this struture later
 //we will add some more methods as we proceed

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class EmployeeDAO implements EmployeeDAOI
 public void save(int eno, String name,double sal, int dno)
  //this method is responsible for saving the given details into emp table
  //to do: execute the following SQL
  String sql="insert into emp values("+eno+",'"+name+",',"+sal+","+dno+")";
  //how to execute?
  //use JDBC
  //Write this Connection con=null here only to make visible to all the blocks
  Connection con=null;//null is necessary whn u r declaring as a local variable
   //step 1.1
   String driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";//here we are using oracle driver
   Class c=Class.forName(driverClassName);
   Driver d=(Driver)c.newInstance();
   //step 1.2
   String jdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE";
   Properties p=new Properties();
   //Connection con=null;//i can not use con ref variable in finally block as it is local to this

  Statement st=con.createStatement();

  }//end of try block
  catch(Exception e)
   //to report the error, we will set run time error
   throw new RuntimeException(e);
    //step 4:

  catch(Exception e){}


/* now we are writing Tese case for DAO object [that is save()] for this we have to use JUNIT but
we are using main() for this application

public class EmployeeDAOTestCase
 private EmployeeDAOI edao;
 public void testsave()
  System.out.println("Details saved");
 public static void main(String s[])
  EmployeeDAOTestCase test=new EmployeeDAOTestCase();
  test.edao=new EmployeeDAO();
  test.testsave();//here Driver object is created
//test.testsave();//here 2nd Driver object is created but one Driver object is enought to handle
//multiple request from diffrent clients, connections as it is a Thread -safe

D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc\DAO>javac -d . *.java
D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc\DAO>D:\material\java(E
DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc\DAO>set classpath=C:\oraclexe\app\or
D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc\DAO>java EmployeeDAOTestCase
Details saved

Fig: DesignPattern2.JPG

Q: is our DAO created efficient?
Ans: No, we need to multiple changes. Let us look into all of them one after the other
·         In the EmployeeDAO created earlier the save() method is programmed to create a new instance (object) of Driver class on every request, which is not effective.
·         Considering the following points with respect to the Driver:
(1)   The Driver object is Thread-safe means Driver object performs consistently even on concurrent requests from multiple threads
(2)   A single instance of Driver can be used to create multiple connections because it is Thread-safe. If we create the multiple instances of Driver class, unnecessarly garbage is stored into the memory, and performance becomes slow.
(3)   Considering these points a single instance of Driver is enough for an application per data base.

Fig: FactoryClass(EmpDao.JPG

To overcome this problem we have to go for Driver Manager

What is JDBC API?

·         this is a part of the JDBC Specification that provides an abstraction (interface) to program java applications accessing the JDBC service
·         we know that the JDBC Service is implemented into the JDBC Driver
·         the JDBC API is described into two parts:
1.       JDBC CORE API
2.       JDBC Extension API
JDBC CORE API: THIS part of the API supports accessing the extended services such as:
·         Connection pool
·         Accessing distributed transaction
Understanding JDBC API
·         WE want to use JDBC API in our java application to access the tabular datastore such as DB Server.

Why should I use Database server?
·         Because to manage the persistence data, why persist the data because to persist our business data, to do this we need CRUD sql operations.
·         To connect to the database server, we should interact with jdbc drivers, to do CRUD operations we should follow SQL (STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE) because database server only understand one language called sql .
·         We understand the java application would mainly want to interact with database server for CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations.
·         We also know that the SQL is used to describe the CRUD operations to database server, that means the Core (central part) of using the JDBC API is to submit the SQL statement to the JDBC Driver; requesting it to execute with DATABASE SERVER and carry the result back.
·         I have developed one java application, I want to store the data into the database server, to store or to interact with database server I have to use only one language that is SQL statement; but database server is located somewhere else, so I need one vehicle( bus i.e jdbc driver) to carry my sql statements, so we are using jdbc driver to carry our data with sql statements, so travel over the different networks we should follow the network API CALL interface. Next I have submitted my SQL  ( data) to JDBC drivers, jdbc driver safely takes my (sql) data to the database server.
·         Here JDBC driver acts as a courier boy.
The Basic steps of working with JDBC API
·         We know that the java application wants to work with JDBC to access the tabular datastore
·         We also know that the application wants to access the tabular datastore managing the persistence data.
·         Thus the basic requirement in this process will be to perform the CRUD operations
The following are the basic steps involved to implement for accessing the datastore performing CRUD operations:
1.       Obtain connection to DB
2.       Get a JDBC Statement
3.       Execute the statement
4.       Close the connection

·         Here our intention is to execute the statement ie. Step 3: but to perform step 3 we should have step 2, to do the step 2 we should have make the establish the connection to database server
Step1: obtaining the connection to DB:

·         STEP1 : is just like a connecting to the mail box, first we have to use login, password to connect to our Mail inbox
·         We know that any database server demands to establish a session/connectivity before accessing any of its services.
·         Thus even working with JDBC , we start with establishing the DB Session.
·         Creating a Database session is costlier job it includes:
1.       Authentication
2.       Allocating the resources for the session.
Note:  the DB Session can not be shared between the clients/threads.
Q: How establish/obtain connection to DB with respect to java/JDBC? 

·         We have multiple approaches to do this
·         Lets start with the basic (primary) approach i.e using driver object direction.
·         Obtaining the connection to db using Driver object directly: in this approach we use the connect() method of the Driver object for getting the connection to the server.
Q: What is Driver object?
Ans: it is a part of JDBC Driver responsible for establishing a session to the database server.
Q: What is java.sql.Driver?
It is an interface part of JBC API designed to represent the Driver object. (to the java application)
The following method of Driver object is used to establish the session to the database server:
Connection connect(String jdbcUrl, Properties props) throws SQLException
·         This method is declared in java.sql.Driver interface, implemented by the Driver object. Thus connect() is Non-static method.
·         That means to invoke the connect() method we need the following three (3) pre-requisit:
(1.)  Driver Object
(2.)  jdbcUrl
(3.)  Properties
·         Thus we can implement this step in following two steps:
Step 1:  create a Driver object instance
Step 2:  invoke the connect() method.

Step 1.1:  creating a Driver class  instance

·         We know that the Driver class (i.e: implementation of java.sql.Driver interface)is provided by the 3rd party vendor.
·         Thus the Driver class Name varies from one JDBC Driver to other:
1.       For sun JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver
2.       For Oracle OCI & thin Driver
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDri ver
3.       For MySQL Connector driver
Pre-requisite:  (I.E we must know the following before learning the step1)
Q: How many ways we can instantiate a java object (with respect to JRE)?
We have only 4 ways to do this:
1.       new keyword
2.       newInstance() method of java.lang.Class object
3.       clone()
4.       Deserialization
(1)    And (2) are used for initial state , defined into the class constructor.

(1.)  new keyword:
·         Use new keyword when you know the class name while developing time .
(2)    newInstance():
·         Supports instantiating the object whose class name is known dynamically at run time.
(3.)  clone():
·         To create a new object with a copy of state of existing object
(4.) deserialization:
·         To create a object with the state from serialized bytes.
From this pre-requisite discussion we understand the Driver class instance can be created using any of the following options:
1.       Using new keyword
2.       newInstance() method of java.lang.Class
using new keyword;
·         we may want to write the code as shown below:
java.sql.Driver d=new Oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver();
·         the above statement (for creating Driver class object) is simple but makes our program tightly bounded to OracleDriver.
·         Migrating to some other  driver such as MYSQL Driver needs changes in the java program.
Tightly bounded:  In case any changes in a program and main logic may be destroyed is called tightly bounded.
Loosely coupled : In case without changing the program then it is called loosely coupled.
Example program:
public interface Message
 String getMessage();
public class Oraclemsg implements Message
 public String getMessage()
  return "I'm from Oraclemsg";
public class MYSQLmsg implements Message
 public String getMessage()
  return "I'm from MYSQLmsg";
// with using newInstance() method of java.lang.Class
public class Test
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
  String classname=args[0];
  Class c=Class.forName(classname);
  Object o=c.newInstance();
  Message msg=(Message)o;
D:\webtechnologies\jdbc\prog\newInstance>javac *.java

D:\webtechnologies\jdbc\prog\newInstance>java Test Oraclemsg
I'm from Oraclemsg

D:\webtechnologies\jdbc\prog\newInstance>java Test MYSQLmsg
I'm from MYSQLmsg


/* (or) we can write the main() by using new operator
// with using new operator
public class Test
 public static void main(String args[])
  Message msg;
  msg=new OracleMsg();// i can't call MYSQLmsg class method, and i got confused which class object want to
//create the object so here new operator is not recommended, if you use new operator it leads to write
//if u want to create MYSQLmsg class method again we need to create the object something like below
 msg=new MYSQLmsg();
Q: How work with the Class.newInstance() method to create a object?
We want to implement the following two statements to do this:
//Statement  1:
Class c=Class.forName(className);
// Statement 2:
Object o=c.newInstance();
Q: what happens when at statement 1 (i.e Class.forName())?

The following operations are performed inside the forName() method:
(a.)  Find is the .class with the given name is loaded into the JVM
·         If Yes: return the Class object representing the given class loaded.
(b.) : Load the class into the JVM:
·         If Failed throw the respective exception
·         If successful return the Class object representing Class loaded.
Q: What is the role of the Class object in the JVM?

Fig: newInstanceJVM.JPG
·         We know that for every type loaded into the JVM a java.lang.Class instance will be created.
·         This object is responsible to represent the type definition loaded into the JVM to the java application. So that the java Application can dynamically introspect  the types.
Q: What  happens when we invoke the newInstance()?
·         The newInstance() method of Class object creates a new instance of the class this object is representing
·         This uses a no-argument class constructor to instance the object.
From the above discussion we prefer to instantiate the Driver object using the newInstance() method of Class object, as it provides a convenience to dynamically shift between the implementations.
In case of private constructor:
public class Abc
 private Abc()
  System.out.println("private Constructor()");
 public static Abc getInstance()
   //some logic
   return(new Abc());
public class Test
 public static void main(String args[])
  //creating the object in case of private constructor
  Abc a=Abc.getInstance();
D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\constructor\private>javac *.java

D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\constructor\private>java Test
private Constructor()
But in case we are creating the object inside the class (Ex: then no problem directly we can create by using new operator: like below:
public class Abc
 private Abc()
  System.out.println("private Constructor()");
 public static void main(String args[])
  Abc a=new Abc();

D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\constructor\private\inside>javac *.java

D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\constructor\private\inside>java Abc
private Constructor()

List 1.1: Sample code for Step 1.1:  creating a Driver class  instance

String driverClassName=”oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver=”oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver”;
Class c=Class.forname(driverClassName);
Driver d=(Driver)c.newInstance();

Step 1.2: Invoking the connect() method:

·         We know that the connect() method is non-static thus we need a Driver object reference which we got in the step 1.1
·         However still we also need to prepare the inputs to the connect(0 method so that we can invoke it.
·         The following are the two inputs for connect() method:
1.      jdbcUrl(String)
2.      dbProperties(java.util.Properties)
as the name described this is a simple string used by JDBC to locate the
database server that we it to connect.
·         That means we are informing to the Driver object that where the Database server is located.
·         Why should we inform Driver object only? Because this Driver object only knows how to connect to the Database server. Url contains the address (location) of the Database server.
·         The JDBC URL describes the location of the resource (DataBase Server) to JDBC.

Fig: jdbcurl1.JPG
·         The JDBC URL is of the following format:

·         From the URL Format we understand locating the database server includes the information (inputs) that varies from one DB to other and also one JDBC Driver to other.

In case of Type-1 Driver:
i.e: JdbcOdbcDriver we use the following URL format:
jdbc:odbc:<ODBC DSN>

Fig: jdbcurl2.JPG

In case of JDBC Type-2 Driver:

·         If I want to connect to Oracle DB Server, I have to write the information about Oracle Driver in Driver object and I have to inform to the OCN Native Driver which port should I connect( ex: 1521) because ports only connects to the Instance (like DB Names) probably ports may connects more than one instance (ex: port 1521 may connect Inventory and finance instances (DB).
·         Once I have declared port name (TNS Service), I should inform to which Data Base I have to connect

Fig: jdbcurl3.JPG
In case of JDBC Type-4 Driver:
Jdbc: oracle:thin:@<host_name>:<port>:<DB_SERVICE_NAME>
Fig: jdbcurl4.JPG

2.  dbProperties: second (2nd) argument (parameter) of connect() method
·         Apart from providing the URL for locating the database server we also require to supply necessary parameters such as username and password to the database server for authentication and establishing the session.
·          The parameter require for establishing the session to DB differ from one database to other.
·         The java.util.Properties is an implementation of Map which is suitable to describe the multiple data elements each of them with a unique name.

·         Thus the 2nd argument of connect() method is Properties


Approach1: Directly using Driver object

Fig: STEP 1(approach1.JPG

Fig: STEP 1(approach1) 1.JPG

The successful output of step1 is a connection object.

What is connection object?
Is a JDBC Driver object responsible torespresent the DB_SESSION to the Java Application.

What is java.sql.Connection?
Is a interface from  JDBC API describing the Connection object to Java Application.

Step-2, 3 and 4 outlines:

Step2: Create a JDBC Statement
·         A JDBC Statement object is responsible to represent a Statement executing to the database server.
·         We use the following method of Connection object to create the Statement object. (Statement object acts as a vehicle in the bridge for carrying the data)
Statement createStatement() throws SQLException

Step-3: Executing the Statement:
·         We use the following metho of Statement object to execute the sql.
Int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException

Step-4: closing the Connection:
·         After the use with the connection we want to properly close it and the following method of Connection object is used to do this.

Jdbc first Example
we want to write a java program to create a new record with the following values into the database table
   empno: 101
   ename: e101
Considering the following table in oracle database to exist
create table emp(empno number, ename varchar2(20), sal number(10,2), deptno number);
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
public class JdbcExample1
 public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
  //we want to create a new record, to do this we want to execute the following sql to the database
  String sql="insert into emp values(101,'e101',1000,10)";
  String driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
  Class c=Class.forName(driverClassName);
  Driver d=(Driver)c.newInstance();
  //STEP 1.2: TYPE -2 DRIVER, thin is a name of the driver
  String JdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE";
  Properties dbprops=new Properties();
  Connection con=d.connect(JdbcUrl,dbprops);
  Statement st=con.createStatement();
  //step 4:
  System.out.println("record is saved");

How to run this program:
 you need to have the following softwares installed in the machine:
   (1) JDK
   (2) Oracle DB
Now perform the following to get this example run:

(1) create the table in the DB:

    We can run the above mentioned create table SQL Statement using the SQL* plus Editor.
(2) set ojdbc14.jar (or) ojdbc5.jar (or) ojdbc6.jar into the classpath.

    we can find this jar file in the oracle install folder.

Note: (a) In this example we are working with Oracle's JDBC Type-4 Driver
Note: (b)
·         Here our intention is to execute the query that is step 4 (  executeUpdate(sql))
·         But it is Method method of statement so I must crate Statement object to execute the Query, here Statement object acts as a vehicle which carries sql query to Database
·         So I’m creating Statement object, for creating statement object I must call createStatement() method, which is a member method of Connection object.
·         So for to do this we are creating Connection object
Q:What is classpath?
classpath: is a system variable to specify the location of resources (Ex: .class) to locate by the java
compiler & the Application class Loader

Here the JVM role is locates the native library from the folders configured into system environment variable named path.

Q:How to set class path? It depends on Operating System:
 In windows:
    (1) using system environment variables setting window
    (2) using 'set' internal command

D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc>javac
D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc>set classpath=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle

D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc>java JdbcExample1
record is saved
Q:  why .(dot) directory should be specified in the classpath?
  Because classloader tries to search even our current program (Ex: JdbcExample1.class) file in the Oracle
install folder which we are specifieing, but this is our program which is available only E: drive..with
some other location so we will get error, to avoid this problem we are informing to the class loader that
our current program (Ex: JdbcExample1.class) is available in the current directory (ie. Ex:
D:\material\java(E DRIVE)\java\AdvJava\jdbc)

Q: What are The possible problems we may get in running this program?
 1. ClassNotFoundException:
   to solve this problem we just need to set ojdbc.jar file into the classpath.
set classpath=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar;.;
 2. TNS: listener does not currently know of SID:
    THIS error is raised when we use wrong service id in the URL.
    How to find the correct ServiceId?
    we have multiple ways, the one simple way is find it from the Windows Services    
    We find a service with the name
     OracleService<ServiceID> (Ex: ServiceID=XE)
Q: What are the changes can be done to work with Oracle's JDBC TYPE-2 Driver?
 The Oracle's JDBC Driver Type-2 and Type-4 Drivers are implemented into a single Driver implementation
class so we don't need to change the driver class.
 Only that we need to change is JDBCURL.
 In the previous example (i.e: change the JDBC URL to:
  String JdbcUrl="jdbc:oracle:oci:@XE";

Fig: JdbcExample1(Type-2).JPG
 classpath same as described earlier:
 In addition we need to set the oracle bin  folder into path:
 set path=c:\oraclexe\app\product\10.0.2\server\bin;%path%
Q:what is %path%?

Ans: now we are setting the class path that means already we may set other class path also, but I don’t want to overwrite previous class path, I want to concatenate the previous class path , that can be done by using this %path%